
On the East Coast, the summer is a time of bounty. Nearly all of our local produce is harvested during the summer, but it doesn't all ripen at once. Heirloom tomatoes are at their juiciest in mid-August and early September, our reward for having endured a hot and humid summer. 

Very little can better the unadulterated sweetness of heirloom tomatoes. But delicate scallops alla piastra offer a lightness of being that allows the tomatoes to sing. 

Whereas, store-bought tomatoes are cross-pollinated to lengthen their shelf life, heirloom varieties are open pollinated, maintaining their distinct characteristics. Heirloom seeds are holdovers from before industrial agriculture, when there was more variety in plants and vegetables. Certain heirloom varieties may have been commonly grown at various points in history but are not used in modern large-scale agriculture. Over decades and centuries, the seeds of heirloom vegetable varieties are saved and planted year after year, season after season. 

Although they blemish and spoil much more quickly than factory-engineered hybrid tomatoes, heirloom varieties are worth the extra care and cost. The thin skin, subtle flavor, unusual colors and eccentric names Brandywine, Oaxacan Jewel, Pink Ping Pong yield a remarkably delicious fruit. 

Generally, redder tomatoes are sweeter. Darker tomatoes, such as the purple and black varieties, mix sweet and tart. Green and white heirlooms are often more bitter. 

Handle your heirloom tomatoes with care, and don't refrigerate them. Cold temperatures will kill the flavor. When you buy an heirloom, use it within a few days. 

I cook the scallops on a piastra a slab of granite put directly over the grill that gets extremely hot. The beauty of using a heat-conducive stone is that you can cook things that might otherwise fall through the grill and add an incredible caramelized depth of flavor. If you can't find granite or other stone piastra, you can achieve the same results using a cast-iron griddle. 

Scoring the scallops before grilling makes them open up like a flower. And it produces a striking contrast between the golden-brown surface and white interior. As when grilling almost any fish, the trick here is to cook the scallops 90 percent on the first side, until very well seared, and then just give them a quick finish on the other side. I like them medium-rare, not entirely cooked through. 

Season the onion slices on both sides with salt and pepper. Place them on the hot, dry piastra and cook, unmoved, for 7 to 10 minutes, until well charred on the first side. Using tongs, carefully turn the slices over and cook for 7 to 10 minutes on the second side,We have a great selection of blown glass backyard solar landscape lights and Cheap Granite Countertops. until well charred and softened. Transfer to a plate and let them cool slightly, then separate the slices into smaller rings and scatter them over the tomatoes. Drizzle the whole mess with 3 to 4 tablespoons of the olive oil. 

While the onions cook, carve a checkerboard pattern about 1?4 inch deep into one side of each scallop. Season them all over with salt and pepper, toss them in a bowl with the remaining 2 tablespoons oil, and stir gently to coat. 

Place the scallops on the dry, clean piastra, design side down, and cook for 5 to 7 minutes, unmoved, until almost cooked they should be opaque almost all the way through. Flip them over and sear for just 30 seconds, then remove and arrange on the tomato salad. 

Amusement parks today tend to be the oversized sort with something for everyone. A hundred years ago they were often small, intimate affairs that were located at the beginning or end of a trolley line. Originally they were places to have a picnic while waiting on the trolley.How to change your dash lights to Cheap Crafts Products this is how I have done mine. Yankee ingenuity saw a way of making a buck so amusement rides were added. Foremost among these rides was the carousel with its colorfully embellished animals. 

It is generally thought that the idea of a carousel first developed in medieval times. Rotating wooden horses were used as targets for horsemen practicing their skills. The idea just continued to develop with the French decorating the carousels for these 16th Century athletic affairs. Eventually carousels for children's entertainment came about. 

This European pastime was refined in the United States with the waves of immigrants during the 1800s. Mixed in with the "the tired, the poor and the hungry" were expert European craftsmen who specialized in carving carousel horses. For years American farmers had been building simple carousels to entertain the children in the community. It wasn't too much of a leap to upgrade these carousels with talents provided by the European artisans. 

Two basic styles of carousel horses developed. The larger more impressive version is called the "park style." These were meant for permanent installation. Noted designer names to watch for include Dentzel, Mueller, Morris, Leooff, Illions, Carmel plus Stein & Goldstein. Horses created by any of these men bring premium prices not for the faint of heart. 

The other edition is called the "country fair style." These horses were smaller, less elaborate and built for the easy packing the traveling carnival required. Noted names for these versions include Hershell, Spillman and Parker. They bring lower prices than the larger animals but still remain startling. 

Like many other antiques there are reproductions so a buyer should do some homework before making a purchase. American carousel horses tend to have one side carved more intricately than the other.You will never need to change the bulbs and your granitetrade will last for years and years. Builders didn't waste too much time decorating a side no one saw from outside. This is one way of proving authenticity because many reproductions are more intricately carved than the originals.

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